Julia Borissova

Julia Borissova was born in Tallinn, Estonia. She lives in St. Petersburg where she graduated from the program “Photography as a research” (2011-2013) of the Foundation of Informational and Cultural projects “FotoDepartament”.

Her work has been exhibited in national and international solo and group shows. She is the author of the art-books “J.B. about men floating in the air” (2015), “Address” (2015), “DOM (Document Object Model)” (2014), “Running to the Edge” (2014) and “The Farther Shore” (2013).


In her work she refers to memory problems in rethinking the past and her place in it. “The house of the sea wind” for example is a return to her place of birth in order to search for her own identity. She is looking for signs around her to create patterns that can reflect her mind at the intersection of her imagination and the visible world – that’s what she calls “poetic archeology”. The history of her country, the concept of home and relationship with the past are the main themes of her research and artistic practice.


Julia uses a conceptual visual language to send the viewer on a journey through his own memories rather than documenting her own approach. She is inventing a variety of techniques and experiments with shapes and materials to create objects that are visual and tactile interaction with half forgotten memories. In order to do so she once grew plants for a shoot that is part of her project “DOM (Document Object Model)” (“Dom” is the Russian word for a house, a building or a household) as utopian version of greenhouses. There are another two series making the project “DOM” complete. The first part is a maquette of mass houses removed from their usual context, put in sceneries to create theatrical illusions. The little houses become reality and the real landscape is transformed into a stage. And finally the third part of “DOM” explores the inner space of home as well as memory by constructing interiors using details of the 60ies – the thaw period in Russia.


Julia does not stop when her pictures are displayed on a wall. To let her work develop further she creates lovely books with an admirable love for details.


